Atualizações da PSN, LIVE, Nintendo Network e Steam
Pedro almeida | 05:26 |
Estamos chegando ao final de mais uma semana e, como é de costume, chegou a hora de conferir quais são as novidades que as empresas disponibilizaram em suas redes digitais nos últimos dias. Seja na PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE, WiiWare, DSiWare, Virtual Console ou Steam, os lançamentos são para agradar aos diferentes tipos de público.
Para saber mais, não deixe de visitar também a aba "Lançamentos", no menu superior do Baixaki Jogos. Lá, você encontrará outros games que também chegaram recentemente ao mercado.
Como listamos as promoções das redes norte-americanas, todos os preços estão em dólar, sendo necessário multiplicar os valores abaixo por R$ 1,99 (valor da cotação atual) para ter o preço na nossa moeda. Aproveite!
Jogos gratuitos para assinantes da Plus
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (PlayStation Vita)
Descontos exclusivos para assinantes da Plus
- Greed Corp (US$ 2,50)
- Gatling Gears (US$ 2,50)
- Section 8: Prejudice (US$ 5,00)
- Madden NFL 13 (US$ 29,39)
- Madden NFL 13 – PlayStation Vita (US$ 19,59)
- Crysis 3 (US$ 59,99)
Jogos completos
- Bayonetta (US$ 19,99)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II (US$ 59,99)
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (US$ 19,99)
- Everyone Sing (US$ 19,99)
- Zone of the Enders HD Collection (US$ 34,99)
PSN Games
- Hitman: Blood Money HD (US$ 16,99)
- Hitman: Contracts HD (US$ 16,99)
- Hitman: Silent Assassin HD (US$ 16,99)
PlayStation Vita
- Let’s Fish! Hooked On (US$ 19,99)
PS3 Beta
- Crysis 3
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3 e Vita)
PS2 Classics
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (US$ 9,99)
- Hitman Trilogy HD (US$ 39,99)
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier Ultimate Edition (US$ 37,99)
- Dead or Alive 5 Game + Swimsuit DLC Bundle (US$ 44,99)
- Farm Frenzy 2 (US$ 4,99)
- Run For Your Life (US$ 4,49)
DLCs para PlayStation 3
- DC Universe Online - Home Turf Pack (US$ 9,99)
- DmC: Devil May Cry - Costume Pack (US$ 3,99)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 - Groundhog Day Costume (Gratuito)
- Resident Evil 6 - Stage Map Pack B (US$ 1,99)
- Sleeping Dogs - Movie Masters Pack (US$ 1,99)
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Combo Editor Expansion (US$ 0,99)
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Special Color Palette 4 (Gratuito)
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier - DLC Bundle (US$ 19,99)
- RockSmith - American Woman (US$ 7,99)
- RockSmith - Born To Be Wild (US$ 2,99)
- RockSmith - Surrender (US$ 2,99)
- Rock Band 3 – Back in the Saddle (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Dream On (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Legendary Child (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Lover Alot (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Sweet Emotion (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Walk This Way (US$ 1,99) – Aerosmith
- Rock Band 3 - Aerosmith Greatest Dimension Pack (US$ 9,99)
- Rock Band 3 - Don’t Tell Me What To Dream (US$ 1,99) – God Forbid
- Rock Band 3 - Gold Teeth on a Bum (US$ 1,99) – The Dillinger Escape Plan
- Rock Band 3 - No Surrender (US$ 1,99) – Taproot
- Rock Band 3 - People of the Deer (US$ 1,99) – The Trews
- Rock Band 3 - Werewolf Grandma With Knives (Part Two: Don’t Die) (US$ 1,99) – Giraffes? Giraffes!
DLCs para PlayStation Vita
- LittleBigPlanet 2 - Groundhog Day Costume (Gratuito)
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Combo Editor Expansion (US$ 0,99)
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Special Color Palette 4 (Gratuito)
Novos preços
- Dead or Alive 5 (US$ 39,99)
- SSX (US$ 19,99)
- Madden 13 (US$ 41,99)
- Madden 13 - PlayStation Vita (US$ 27,99)
- Game of Thrones (US$ 24,99)
- Gatling Gears (US$ 4,99)
- Greed Corp (US$ 4,99)
- Section 8 (US$ 9,99)
- Section 8: Prejudice (US$ 9,99)
- The Cursed Crusade (US$ 14,99)
- Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Ultimate Edition (US$ 13,99)
- Assassin’s Creed II Ultimate Edition (US$ 9,99)
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations Ultimate Edition (US$ 24,99)
- Far Cry 2 Ultimate Edition (US$ 14,99)
- Prince of Persia Ultimate Edition (US$ 14,99)
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier Ultimate Edition (US$ 37,99)
- Skulls of the Shogun (1200 Microsoft Points)
- Special Forces Seal Team X (1200 Microsoft Points)
- Crysis 3
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Revolution (1200 Microsoft Points)
- Guardians of Middle Earth - Radagast (400 Microsoft Points)
- Guardians of Middle Earth - Gloin (400 Microsoft Points)
- Scott Pilgrim: Online Multiplayer + Wallace Pack (400 Microsoft Points)
Ofertas da semana
- Megaman 9 (640 Microsoft Points)
- Megaman 10 (640 Microsoft Points)
- Street Fighter X Tekken Additional Character Pack (1200 Microsoft Points)
- Street Fighter X Tekken SF/TK Swap Costume Complete Pack (720 Microsoft Points)
- Street Fighter X Tekken SF/TK Alternate Costume Complete Pack (1080 Microsoft Points)
- Street Fighter X Tekken Char Swap Costume Complete Pack (240 Microsoft Points)
- Street Fighter X Tekken Char Alternate Costume Complete Pack (360 Microsoft Points)
- Hybrid (400 Microsoft Points)
- Zeno Clash UE (400 Microsoft Points)
- Earthworm Jim HD (400 Microsoft Points)
- Alan Wake’s American Nightmare (600 Microsoft Points)
- Orcs Must Die! (600 Microsoft Points)
Wii U
- Puddle
Demo para Wii U
- The Cave
- Ikachan (US$ 4,99)
- Ice Climber (US$ 4,99)
- Witch’s Cat
- Bloody Vampire
- Metal Slug 4 (900 Wii Points)
- 99Moves (US$ 1,99)
- Omerta – City of Gangsters (R$ 69,99)
- Antichamber (R$ 26,24)
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (R$ 49,99)
- Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games (R$ 79,99)
- Proteus (R$ 15,29)
- Dungeonland (R$ 16,99)
- No Time to Explain (R$ 12,74)
- DmC: Devil May Cry (R$ 84,99)
Oferta do dia
- The Walking Dead (R$ 22,49)
Oferta do fim de semana
- Legend of Grimrock (R$ 8,49)
- Painkiller (R$ 11,89)
- Southern Pacific GE 44 (R$ 13,99)
- DmC: Devil May Cry: Costume Pack (R$ 6,99)
- Primal Carnage DLC Skin – Pilot Commando Class (R$ 2,99)
- RockSmith - America Woman (R$ 4,99)
- RockSmith – Surrender (R$ 4,99)
- RockSmith – Born to be Wild (R$ 4,99)
- DC Universe Online: Home Turf (R$ 16,99)
- Sleeping Dogs: Monkey King Pack (R$ 2,99)
- Sleeping Dogs: Movie Master Pack (R$ 2,99)
- Painkiller Hell & Damnation: Medieval Horror (R$ 2,37)
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